
All children have access to individual reading books.  In Key Stage 1 and 2 we have a reading scheme that is made up from several published schemes including ORT, Rigby Star, and 360 Upstarts.  Our Key Stage 2 reading scheme is made up from a variety of fiction and non-fiction books including Pearson Pocket Reads and Collins Big Cat.  

Children can also select a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books from our Library and class reading corners. 


We aim to provide children with a literacy-rich environment, high quality texts and inspiring learning opportunities.  The National Curriculum (2014) forms the basis for all our subject teaching ensuring,  continuity and progression within a challenging and inspiring age-related curriculum. which will help our pupils to:


Our reading curriculum has been designed to enable pupils to acquire the skills they need to become truly fluent readers, able to read and respond to a range of texts.  Accuracy, automaticity and prosody are all taught explicitly throughout the reading curriculum, through group reading sessions in Reception and Year 1 and through Whole Class Reading sessions throughout the school, where these skills continue to be taught explicitly in Years 2 and 3 and applied throughout years 4, 5 and 6.

For further reading, click on the link below:  

EEF blog: Shining a spotlight on reading fluency

Reading for pleasure:

Class Novel:

All year groups have a class book or class novel that they read over time, with each one being selected based on its literary merit and impact on the pupils’ love of reading.  This is read to pupils daily and opportunities taken to highlight how writers use a range of devices purposefully to have a particular effect or impact on the reader.  (See Brightside Reading Spine - link above)

Brightside reading challenge:

This is optional but available to  all pupils. This is completed at home with the purpose of exposing readers to an even larger range of high quality texts all to nurture, encourage and celebrate pupils who are developing a love of reading for pleasure.  Pupils receive a badge for each term that they complete the reading challenge and wear these with pride all year round.

Individual Reading:

In addition to the weekly phonics book, pupils in EYFS and Year 1 choose and take home sharing books as often as they choose to, (at least once a week), to enable them to develop and share their love of reading.  These texts are found in reading corners in all classes.  In years 2 to 6, each year group has a shared library where texts are regularly updated to ensure classic, recent and popular high quality texts are always available to our pupils.

Explicit reading Sessions

Individual and group reading in Reception & Year 1

Early reading and phonics is taught through the use of the Little Wandle Phonics scheme.    Pupils are provided with books that match and support their phonic development and ability.    Each child shares their phonic book at home at the end of the week, enabling them to demonstrate their fluency, expression and understanding.  We provide a text rich environment, and focus on providing a positive culture of reading throughout all classes.  We promote reading for pleasure and therefore 

Individual and whole class reading in Years 2-6  (See objectives below for Reception & Year 1)

Each pupil will have an individual reading book in the form of either a scheme book (to further develop fluency and understanding) and / or a free choice book from the year group bookcase.

Pupils develop their reading skills daily through whole class reading lessons. These sessions are taught to enable all pupils to share, understand and enjoy a range of high quality texts, whilst developing skills in reading comprehension and fluency.  High quality texts are used to elicit a range of responses, each time focussing on the development of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval, sequencing and summarising.   Reading skills are continually developed throughout the wider curriculum to embed and apply learning.

Supporting Reading

Any pupils from Reception and KS1 who are identified as needing extra support, are invited to our reading buddy club before school, where they   practise their reading skills with the help of a reading buddy from Year 5 or 6.

Pupils from Year 3-6  identified as needing to work on their fluency or reading rate, are offered extra reading practise to work on these skills though the use of reading volunteers from the close and wider community. 

Creator: Abhi Sharma


The impact of Reading success in our school is measured through the following:

Brightside Reading Curriculum