Brightside is a popular, oversubscribed primary school.
Brightside is a popular, oversubscribed primary school.
It is strongly advised that parents contact the school in advance to check whether places are available.
It is strongly advised that parents contact the school in advance to check whether places are available.
At Brightside we endeavour to be fully inclusive. We value all our pupils and we celebrate everyone’s achievements and successes. We welcome pupils from different cultural and religious backgrounds. We believe that everyone is special and we strive to ensure that every member of our school community reaches their full potential. No pupil is every refused admission on grounds of their background or academic ability. We however do have a strict admission criteria.
At Brightside we endeavour to be fully inclusive. We value all our pupils and we celebrate everyone’s achievements and successes. We welcome pupils from different cultural and religious backgrounds. We believe that everyone is special and we strive to ensure that every member of our school community reaches their full potential. No pupil is every refused admission on grounds of their background or academic ability. We however do have a strict admission criteria.
Looked after children will be given first priority ahead of all other applicants.
Looked after children will be given first priority ahead of all other applicants.
There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area.
There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area.
In the event of over subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in order given:
In the event of over subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in order given:
- Looked After Children and previously looked after children (as defined on page 18 of the;
- Children with a sibling attending the school;
- Children living in the priority admission area;
- Remaining applications.
For children who have a sibling admitted before 1 September 2007 attending the school, the priority admissions area includes roads on the site of the former St. Andrew’s Hospital (as defined on a map available at the school).
For children who have a sibling admitted before 1 September 2007 attending the school, the priority admissions area includes roads on the site of the former St. Andrew’s Hospital (as defined on a map available at the school).
In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given highest priority.
In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given highest priority.
Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above.
Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above.
All children are admitted in the September prior to their 5th birthday. Our number to admit each year is 90, generally this is organised in three classes.
All children are admitted in the September prior to their 5th birthday. Our number to admit each year is 90, generally this is organised in three classes.
Our admissions are handled by the Local Authority. Please contact Planning and Admissions at County Hall Chelmsford (telephone: 0345 603 2200) should you have any queries.
Our admissions are handled by the Local Authority. Please contact Planning and Admissions at County Hall Chelmsford (telephone: 0345 603 2200) should you have any queries.
If you wish to lodge an appeal for the place you have been awarded, the Local Authority handle all Brightside appeals. Information can be found here.
If you wish to lodge an appeal for the place you have been awarded, the Local Authority handle all Brightside appeals. Information can be found here.
Should you choose to send your child to Brightside, we look forward to welcoming you and working with you.
Should you choose to send your child to Brightside, we look forward to welcoming you and working with you.
The above link will direct you to the school admissions page.