At Brightside Primary School, we recognise that mathematics will play a key role in every student's future. We understand that mathematics skills are necessary to achieve across the curriculum, within many forms of employment, and for independent living in the future. We aim to ensure that every child is a mathematician as outlined below.
Through the intentions outlined below, pupils will all be able to meet the main aims of the National Curriculum: fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.
Pupils will become confident, competent and independent mathematicians.
Pupils will have a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics, and its interrelated content, so that they can apply their learning in a wide range of situations.
Pupils will develop an ability to discuss and explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
Pupils will be confident that if they make errors they can be seen as a way to improve understanding.
Pupils will develop resilience and inquisitive thinking skills to help them become life-long mathematicians.
In order to fulfil our intentions, and further ensure the quality and consistency of mathematics teaching across our school, we have implemented the White Rose Maths curriculum. White Rose Maths follows a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to support students in their learning. White Rose Maths ensures that students learn, consolidate and build on mathematical knowledge in order to support the retention and new learning of knowledge and skills through a cumulative curriculum. This will be achieved in the following ways:
Teachers will follow a long-term plan, available on the school website, which is closely based on the one provided by White Rose Maths in order to ensure a cumulative approach to learning over pupils time at Brightside
Teachers will use an ‘I do, We do, You do’ approach to mathematics lessons, where new skills and knowledge are being introduced, in order to embed learning and assess knowledge and understanding before independent work takes place.
Teacher will model on the board or flipchart to give pupils a clear and concise method, with annotations where appropriate, in order to ensure pupils have a guide to be successful
Teachers will provide assessment for learning through verbal feedback.
Once a term, summative assessment will take place to identify any gaps in knowledge of understanding for whole years groups, classes and individuals and teachers will use ‘consolidation’ time, as per the yearly plan, to support students to fill these.
Interventions for pupils will take place on a need-by-need basis in order to ensure that students are able to make progress at their own level.
Students also have access at home and at school to a wide range of computer programs to support their learning including Century Tech and TT Rockstars.
Impact of mathematics teaching at Brightside will be clear as outcomes at the end of EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will show progress for all pupils and will also be displayed as outlined below:
Pupils will be confident and feel that they can take on new challenges and learn new concepts in mathematics.
Pupils will develop fluency and processing skills to be able to quickly recall facts and follow processes which are embedded into their knowledge base.
Students will be able to talk confidently about what they are learning and share this with their peers and other staff using accurate vocabulary and terminology as they do so.
Pupils will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding of mathematics to other curriculum activities.
Pupils will be able to utilise their skills and acquired knowledge in real life context, away from maths lessons, to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject.