Year 6: Ski Trip 2024
In Spring Term 2024, Mrs Crouchman, Miss Jenkins, Miss Mills, Mrs Gardner and Mrs Welch were just mad enough to take a group of Year 6 children skiing!
The group flew to Verona, Italy and then undertook a 1 hour 30 minute drive to stay in Hotel Rosalpina, a family run hotel, and enjoy a week of skiing! The children's behaviour on the plane was exemplary and, for many, it was their first time travelling by aeroplane!
Hotel Rosalpina is a short journey to the slopes and all have ensuite rooms that views overlooking the mountains!
The children skied in ability groups for 5 hours a day for 5 days.
All groups were led by experienced ski instructors with Brightside staff supervising.
After a full day’s skiing, we have evening activities including karaoke, film night, swimming, ice skating, an ice cream and shopping trip in the village and… our highly prestigious Paper Plate Award Ceremony that takes place on the final night.