Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
For the last few years, we have attended Anti-Bullying Ambassador (ABA) Training so there is always someone to help and talk to at Break and Lunchtimes. You will be able to spot those children who have been trained - they have special blue jackets to wear so anyone knows who they can go to for some expert advice to help solve a problem, or just a friendly face to talk to!
The Diana Award was founded on the late Diana, Princess of Wales’ belief that young people have the power to change their community, their country and the world. We exist to empower young people to make that positive change.

How can you become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador?
Children in year 5 can apply to be an Anti-Bullying Ambassador.
Once a child's application has been accepted, they will need to complete the Anti-Bullying Ambassador training before they can begin their role.
What do our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors do?
During break and lunch times, the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are out on the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. The Ambassadors support other children in developing relationships, joining in games and having fun. They are also on hand to play with children and help them gain confidence socially.